Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Guidelines of the Outdoor Gallery?

The paint spaces are marked throughout the Outdoor Gallery. These panels are labeled by number and letter. Please make sure your pass corresponds to the correct space. 

The following rules must be observed at all times in the Outdoor Gallery area:

Painting is only for those who have applied for and received a pass- No other painting is allowed on this property.

This is private property and we reserve the right to refuse access to anyone at anytime. The curator reserves the right to cancel the pass for any reason or no reason.

Artists must keep the area where they are painting free of trash while painting and upon completion of their work. 

McKinley Art Corridor reserves the right to restrict or remove any artwork they deem inappropriate. No hate speech, violence, pornography, drug references, gang references, or profanity.

No using, or possession of controlled substances.

How long will my art last?

Eventually, your work may be painted over to make way for new work from other artists.